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Thursday, January 23, 2025


by Larry Vienneau

It is a pleasure to announce that Ernie Root has finally been admitted into the Archery Hall of Fame. Ernie Root’s vast contributions to archery have finally been recognized. He is the 103rd member of the AHOF.

Ernie Root began his bow-making career at American Archery in Chicago in the late 1940s. He left American Archery and started Root Archery in the early 1950s as a family business in suburban Chicago. After outgrowing a few smaller spaces, it moves out of the city, eventually settling in Big Rapids, MI.  In early 1960, Ernie Root began a collaboration with Shakespeare Archery while continuing to grow Root Archery. All of Shakespeare’s bows were based on bows made by Root Archery. Root Archery and Shakespeare Archery merged in 1969. Shakespeare continued without Ernie Root which adversely affected quality and production. Ernie continued designing bows with Root Archery Research Division. He later worked with Phil Grable and developed one of the most innovative and accurate bows of that era. Their Golden Eagle became the first bow to shoot a perfect score in a major competition and changed bow designs forever.

 We started the process in 2013 (see the letter here http://archeryhalloffame.com/We%20get%20Letters.html) and in 2022 we submitted Ernie Root’s nomination to the Archery Hall of Fame Committee. It has been a long road, I have written 60 posts on Ernie Root, written about every bow Ernie made for both Root and Shakespeare, owned dozens of Root and Shakespeare bows, and collaborated with Larry Root to write chapters in Rick Rappe's book Vintage Bows III. I have had help from some of the most knowledgeable people in the archery field. I have also made some good friends. So, in retrospect, 2013 was too early, I didn’t know enough. By 2022 I formed the friendships that helped me learn more about Ernie Root and the Golden Age of Archery.

This would not be possible without the help of:

Lewis Kent for sharing his obsession, for his research, and for helping to write many of these posts.

Lawrence Root is the “Guru.” All knowledge flows from “Larry 1.” He has been unselfishly sharing his memories and experiences.  

A special thanks to Rick Mansberger for kicking Larry 1 and Larry 2 in the butt and helping us get this done.  

Thank you to Michael “Rick” Rappe, the author of Vintage Bows I, II, III.

The Late George Stout, you were an endless source of knowledge.

 “The Code Breakers”- Kerry Hardy, Peter Denley, David Ross, and John Murphy. They figured out the Shakespeare Serial Number system.

Thank you to everyone who shared knowledge, experience, and their bows:

Edward Campbell,  Stephan Tongi, Jeff  Freeman, Pole Spear, Thomas Goessman, Shayne Efaw, Joseph Spallone, Kerry Stout, Jacki Clauson, Joey Zoppa, Kevin Sperber, Lavi Niv, Jack Shanks, Bob HargreavesJermy Leemgraven, Aaron Brill, Cody Connerley, Brett Parker, Cameron Root, Russ Otis, George Trefethen, RCG Cochron,  David Landis, Mike Shaw, Chris Miller, Josh Conway, Brian T. Swords, Brad Barclay, Jim Luby…….I am sure I am missing many!!

Thanks to the over 600,000 people who have visited the blog.

A special thank you to Diane Miller, Tim Nelson, and the Board of Directors at the Archery Hall of Fame.

 The Class of 2024 Archery Hall of Fame Inductees include Bowhunting Legend, Gary Bogne; Olympian, Hardy Ward, and Archery Innovator, Ernie Root, who will be inducted into the Archery Hall of Fame on May 15-16, 2026

Archery Hall of Fame & Museum Inc., 1 Bass Pro Drive Springfield, Missouri 65807

Archery Hall of Fame
& Museum, Inc.

P.O. Box 258
Corry, PA 16407

